Shouting Into Darkness

The Sons of Anarchy Drinking Game

Posted in Television by Chris W. on November 4, 2009

I spent some time delving through the Internet (read: three minutes and one Google search) and I could not come up with a bona fide drinking game for the FX show Sons of Anarchy. To be fair, I did find one, but it only consisted of one rule and the game ended when someone’s liver failed (wakka wakka). This struck me as a hole that needed to be filled; Sons of Anarchy is a fun show about guns, motorcycles, and living the rebel lifestyle… and to be honest, there’s a good chance most of us watching the show are already drinking to begin with.

This is my first attempt at creating something like this, and I’ve never played a game with a group of people. Therefore, if someone more experienced than me can add to this list, I’ll gladly include it. The game is best played with something the club might stock in their bar (all cocktails should be pre-made) but exceptions can be made to make the game more fun.

So, without further delay, I give you the Sons of Anarchy Drinking Game:

The Rules

  • If anyone says “shit” in any context, take one shot.
  • Anytime Opie’s name is abbreviated to just “Op,” take a shot.
  • If Jax’s son Abel appears onscreen (must be shown in shot, not just a carriage), take a shot, preferably in style of a toast.
  • If Jax brings up “the big picture” or “blowback”, take a drink. (submitted by @kayteadee on Twitter)
  • Whenever Chucky’s hand dances in pants, take a drink.
  • Whenever a call is made on a pre-paid cell phone, take a drink.
  • Anytime Jax is referred to as “VP” or “Vice President,” take a drink.
  • Anytime Clay is referred to as “P” or “President,” take three drinks.
  • Whenever Jax makes a veiled reference to Clay killing Donna, take a drink
  • If someone uses an obscene sexual term (“cock,” “pussy,” “cum,” etc.), take two drinks (three if uttered by a female cast member.)
  • If you see a “Sons of Anarchy” super-cool back tattoo (full, not partially), take a drink for every person it can be seen on.
  • Whenever someone refers to a club meeting as “church” or “chapel,” take two drinks.
  • When Bobby appears onscreen in an Elvis costume, take three drinks.
  • If the Prospect drops trou to show off his deformed or restored ballsack, take three drinks.
  • If John Teller’s voice-over is heard, take three drinks.
  • If Otto makes an appearance on camera, take three drinks.
  • If John Teller’s book cover (not inside text) is given its own close-up, take three drinks.
  • If Piney uses his air tank as a weapon, take three drinks as fast as you can. (submitted by @kayteadee on Twitter)
  • If you see Jax Teller’s bare ass at any point during the show, finish the glass/bottle.
  • If Clay ever appears onscreen without his moustache, drink a whole glass/bottle.
  • If Gemma mentions her boobie scar, drink the whole bottle.
  • If an editor screws up and the “F” word makes its away into the show, drink everything in sight.
  • And finally, and this is not a rule you might want to mention out loud, but if any member of your Sons of Anarchy viewing party needs the plot explained to him or her, that person must take five drinks of any liquor of the hosts’ choice. If the person asking IS the host, then the host must take a shot of every available liquor in the party.

That’s it! Leave comments underneath on what you think should stay, go, or be added to the list and if it’s good, it’ll go in. Thanks for reading!

For those playing along at home, here’s a printable version:
Sons of Anarchy Drinking Game.pdf

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